Ferdigkompilert liste over leste bøker i fjor. 71 til sammen, men med en god del lettlest girly sci-fi innimellom er det ikke så ille som det ser ut som. Jeg tror at det absolutte høydepunktet var Harkaways “Gone-away world”. Sånn ellers ble det absolutt en del hyggelige nye bekjentskaper og gjensyn med gamle favoritter. Mer om de enkelte bøkene her.
Sword of Truth – Terry Goodkind:
1. Wizard’s First Rule
2.Stone of Tears
3. Blood of the Fold
4. Temple of the Winds
5. Soul of the Fire
6. Faith of the Fallen
7. The Pillars of CreationDemonserie – Terry Brooks:
8. Running with the Demon
9. A knight of the Word
10. Angelfire EastThe Abhorsen Trilogy – Garth Nix:
11. Sabriel
12. Lirael
13. Abhorsen14. Dark Heavens / Roger Levy
15. ON / Adam Roberts
16. The lies of Locke Lamora / Scott Lynch
17. The Atrocity Archives / Charles Stross
18. Jennifer Morgue / Charles Stross
19. Halting State /Charles Stross
20. Hidden Empire / Kevin J. Anderson
21. Mappa Mundi / Justina Robson
22. Natural History / Justina Robson
23. House of Suns / Alastair Reynolds
24. Faeries of Dreamdark : Blackbringer / Laini Taylor
25. Someone comes to town. Someone leaves town. / Cory Doctorow
26. The secret story of Moscow / Ekaterina Sedia
27. Deadstock / Jeffrey Thomas
28. Wee Free Men / Terry Pratchett
29. Wintersmith / Terry Pratchett
30. Sunshine / Robin McKinley
31. Deerskin / Robin McKinley
32. Command desicions / Elisabeth Moon
33. Victory conditions / Elisabeth Moon
34. Diamon age / Neal Stephenson
35. The Nano Flower / Peter F. Hamilton
36. Interface / Neal Stephenson og J. Frederick George
37. Quicksilver / Neal Stephenson
38. Den merkelige hendelsen med hunden den natten / Mark Haddon
39. Lords and Ladies / Terry Pratchett
40. Wyrd sisters / Terry Pratchett
41. Carpe Jugulum / Terry Pratchett
42. Mindstar Rising / Peter F. Hamilton
43. Voiage of the Shadowmoon / Sean McMullen
44. Glass Dragons / Sean McMullen
45. Castle WaitingMagic-serien og Elven-serien – Mercedes Lackey:
46. Magic’s Pawn
47. Magic’s Promise
48. Magic’s Price
49. Elvenbane
50. Elvenborn
51. Elvenblood52. The Bloodking / Gail Martin
53. Last argument of kings / Joe AbercrombieKylara-bøkene og Dragonriders of Pern – Elisabeth Moon
54. Once a Hero
55. Trading in Danger
56. Marque and Reprisal
57. Engaging the enemy
58. The Dolphins of Pern
59. All the weyrs of Pern
60. The masterharper of Pern
61. The skies of Pern
62. The renegades of Pern
63. Dragonsinger
64. Dragonsong
65. Dragondrums66. Black Man / Richard Morgan
67. Market Forces / Richard Morgan
68. The Gone-Away World / Nick Harkaway
69-71. Trilogien om Arn / Jan Guillou